We’ve been talking about t-shirts for a very long time and promoted a lot of independent brands and artists. We figure lots of of you who visit the blog are or want to become full time illustrators, t-shirt designers, or all around creatives. You can either practice your talent on paper or on digital format or both. Although we need to encourage you to eventually transfer your paper based creations into the digital medium.
You can either do it based on an innate calling or because you’ve formally studied graphic design. In both cases this post is just for you if you are considering the financial side of things, as well. You can turn your creativity into a rewarding job, but not in the standard sense of the world considering that you decide when, how and where you sell your works.
The digital era and the Internet is an oyster for freelancers, so you must be aware of the lots of possibilities, the lots of sites that are open platforms for artists to submit their work easily, to create individualized shops which also promote said works for higher earnings, without the artist worrying about printing or shipping.
This post will mainly focus on sites that sell pop culture t-shirts, but we will also mention sites where you can sell other printed products, such as phone cases, wall art, shower curtains or stationery. Lad os begynde:
17 sites to sell your pop culture designs
1.TeePublic – you can publish as lots of designs as you want after creating an account, they manage shipping, printing of course. The file needs to be a 150 dpi PNG file and in the first 72 hours the design will be on sale (with $2 commission per t-shirt sale) so that’s a high time to promote your product. after this period you get $4 per t-shirt sale and you can also choose tanks, hoodies, canvas prints and more, for up to $12 – $21 in commission per item sold.
2.Zazzle –The things are pretty plain in here. You`ll have to publish your designs on thousands of product and set your own royalty rates. They don`t even require design experience!
3. . DesignbyHumans – here you can open a store and get a $3 profit for each t-shirt or even a lot more for other products, like cases, tank tops, stickers, art prints etc. You apply for a shop, get approved in 24 hours and then can start publishing and promoting your shop.
4. RedBubble – you decide how much you want to earn for each item sold, and besides t-shirts, you can also choose to sell your art on stickers, cases, posters or pillows, bags and legging, to name but a few. You keep the rights to your designs and everything else, like printing, delivery and issues is handled by RedBbubble.
5. TeeFury – the best place to start monetizing your pop culture inspired art, this site uses $1 commission per tee shirt in the first 24 hours, when it is featured on the homepage and later $2, when they step it in the gallery. There are some technical restrictions but nothing too complicated.
6. RIPT – after you submit the work they will reply in 5-7 service days to tell you if they will print your design or not. You receive 10% of every item sold during the sale period and get paid in 3 service days of the sale date. The submission is in the form of a 800×800 jpg or png mock-up graphic, by using the supplied RIPT kit.
7. ShirtPunch – a daily tees site, gives you 10% of all sales in that 24-hour period. They manage all promotion so you get massive exposure. They work with top licensed brands such as cartoon Network, star Trek, adventure Time and can get your designs licensed too. You can submit a smaller size design, not the printing file, and they inform you if you are chosen for the site, which is when they actually ask for the hi-res design.
8. Neatoshop – they don’t give lots of info about it considering that you need to contact them by email for a collaboration, but will offer royalties for each sale.
9. OtherTees – after login in you can use your 800×800 jpg or png file with the design kit; the limit is 5 colors, with halftones. They contact you if they decide to print the design and on how lots of tshirts. You maintain ownership but they will add small changes to prepare it for printing and use it for promotion. They give you $1 for each product sold during the 48 hour sale with your design and guarantee at least $20. If it chosen for the shop, you get $3 per clothing item and $1 for each mug sold.
10. TeeVillain – you can send them anything as long as it is original. designs are limited to 6 colors plus the color of the tee shirt and a size of 11×17 inches. You receive $1 for every tee shirt sold but they have a rather long action time, up to two weeks, until you know if you get printed. and the design is limited edition indeed, with only a 24 hour sale feature. You can also sell posters ($2.00 commission), stickers ($0.10 commission), or Jumbo stickers ($0.50 commission). payment is by means of PayPal normally within a weeK efter salget er afsluttet.
11. The Yeteeee – Her får du $ 1,50 pr. Solgt tee -shirt, 3 gratis tee -skjorter, og du opretholder rettighederne til dine kunstværker. Design er begrænset til 6 farver, forreste brystprint og 14 ″ x 17 ″ ved 300 dpi. Igen svarer de maksimalt 2 uger, og for at indsende et design, du har brug for for at oprette en konto og følge indsendelsesformularen. Dit design kan udskrives i en meget begrænset tid i det daglige tilbud eller kan træde til Yeteemart i længere tid.
12.Snorgtees – Her kan du e -maile det design, du vil sælge på ideer@snorgtees.com, og hvis de ser det passer til webstedet, belønner de dig $ 150 og 7.500 Snorg Points til en værdi Term skal du sende en e -mail på forretning@snorgtees.com.
13. Society6 – Overskuddet er individuelt indstillet for hvert produkt, og det kan variere afhængigt af størrelse og mængde. Du administrerer promovering af din butik, og betalingen udføres hver 1. i måneden ved hjælp af PayPal, med en 30 dages pr. Købsafdelingsperiode fra salgsdatoen.
14. Trådløs – Du har to muligheder for at blive trykt på trådløs. Du kan enten åbne en kunstnerbutik eller indsende dit design i en tema -konkurrence/udfordring. I butikken skal din designfil være en 4200x4800px 300dpi gennemsigtig PNG og vælge mellem en lang række produkter udover T-shirts. Din fortjeneste føjes til en basispris, som er $ 15 for T-shirts.
For så vidt angår udfordringer, styres din kreativitet af et tema, samfundet stemmer på det, og det er populært, dit design er trykt, og du tjener kontanter, trådløse gavekoder og modtager en provision for hver trykte T-shirts. Det nøjagtige antal varierer afhængigt af konkurrencen.
15 shirt.woot! – Dit design vælges af webstedets team til daglige konkurrencer, som er hurtigere; eller af samfundet til de ugentlige konkurrencer eller derbies, som de kalder det. Valget udføres også ved at stemme, og betaling er et fast gebyr for en daglig T-shirt og derefter en kommission til salg. Detaljerne påpeges på denne side – forbered dig på en lang læsning og bare hoppe ind og oprette en konto for nøjagtige beløb.
16. Teespring – Du tjener en provision baseret på mængden af solgte tee -skjorter, prisen og hvor stort et mål du sætter minus produktionsomkostningerne. Du får kun betalt, hvis du når dit minimum antal købte T-shirts, og efter den indstillede dato sendes varerne til kunderne. Hvis du ikke når det minimumsnummer, sker der ikke noget. Processen er lidt mere kompliceret, i betragtning af at succes afhænger meget af at nå det ideelle publikum, mens andre daglige websteder vil gøre forfremmelsen for dig.
17. Once Upon a Tee – du indsender kunstværket og får et svar i maksimale 5 arbejdsdage. Hvis du er en vinder, vises designet i en uge, og du modtager $ 1 for hvert solgt vare, og betalinger sendes ud inden for 1 til 5 servicedage.
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